Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Tribute to Patrick

All of the Half team has worked really hard to make this an exciting film. Right now, I'd like to honor Pat Fifelski. He has put in a lot of effort despite the fact that lots of us liked to joke about his stubbornness. But the great thing is Pat won't settle for anything less than the very best. Here's a great example from our sound files from our mic rig:

Please comment on your thoughts! Please forgive me Pat! :P

Patrick's Plan by Half Movie Project

Kurt Richardson
Directing Centaur


  1. haha! too bad you didnt get all of my "JARED!!!! SHOW EMOTION!!!!!!" schpeel =P

  2. Yes, this was quite the fail of a scene. The final take actually sounded ok, but this one is just hilarious. XD
