Saturday, December 24, 2011
Out of the Frame and into The River
Well Well Well, It's Christmas Eve already and here I am shivering at my PC working on the good old half movie. First of all, this is a shot in the middle of editing, half way completed. It looks awesome because it seems like Pat is leaping out of one video and into another. Quite cool. It's been quite busy so here is an update on what the MVM team is cooking up. We are excited to announce that production for "The Second Half" will begin in the early summer of 2012. Not only that, but half is still set for a release in May! There will be a public showing in Saline MI, as well as a way to order DVD copies. The thing about making a movie like half is that you have create a LOT of backstory. There is a lot of backstory for the film that is not told and there are many loose ends that require tying up at the end of the film, so we are creating a sequel. Jared, Pat, John, and I have learned quite a bit about film making from this project as well as other ventures that MVM does. And a lot of that was learning by doing. During the production of half we made mistake after mistake after mistake. But you know what? We never made the same mistake twice. So obviously, half is not going to be a cinematic masterpiece. It will still be awesome, just not quite as awesome as it could be if it wasn't a first attempt at film making. Enter "The Second Half." This film is going to be twice as long as half and have way more actors, as well as a developed storyline that fits quite nicely with half. The second movie is going to cost tons more than the first but the film will be quite worth it.
I hope that you find this update satisfactory, there will be a trailer coming in January...
Kurt Richardson
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving Update
I thought I might give you an update about what's been happening at Mountainside View lately. We have been working hard on Half while planning our future projects at the same time. I was really excited because it looks like the film will have a little bit of genuine aerial footage, which will spice up the movie some with some epic forest shots and whatnot. The title sequence has been fun to work on with a personalized title for every actor. Patrick, you are going to absolutely love yours. ;) Anyway, that's all for now, and I'll try to make another update again soon.
Kurt Richardson
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Epic Battle of Half (This is Not a Spoiler)
The epic battle of 'Half' was far from what you'll see on your screen. In fact, everything you see on screen will be the product of this power struggle.
I am Pat, and I play the role of James Anderson in Half. Being a very outgoing person, with very specific ideas on how a movie should be directed, sitting back and watching Kurt direct the movie in a way that I thought wasn't good enough was torture. We argued all the time, slowing down the filming process. Eventually, he let me direct a few scenes for two reasons. Firstly, because he thought I would do a better job directing those specific scenes, but secondly, to get me to shut up.
The epic battle of 'Half' ended without a winner, and without a loser. It ended with a mutual agreement between two friends that the filming was done the way we both wanted it, and was the best material we could give our audience.
Let the Post-Production Begin
I am thrilled to announce that Mountainside View Multimedia has purchased its video FX workhorse. We've been moving some furniture around to get everything up and running. This machine is the most powerful computer I have ever seen let alone used. The specs on it are as follows:
CPU: Sandy Bridge Intel i7 Processor
Memory: 8GB
OS: Windows 7
HD: 1 terrabyte
Graphics: ATI/AMD 1GB dedicated graphics
Monitor: 23 inch screen
I'll be sure to take some pictures of it, but at the moment my HD camera is in the shop. Let it always be said that I push my equipment to the breaking point.
As for the Software we are using for this film, here are the specs:
Adobe Creative Suite CS4 (Some AfterFX CS5.5)
includes: Photoshop CS4, Premiere CS4, After Effects CS4
Mocha AE - 2.5D Planar motion tracking.
The system will be up and running in a few days so Post Production for Half will begin.
For those of you who are interested in Half only because it is about fauns and centaurs, (Centaurs are the most awesome creatures in the whole world.) may I suggest to you an incredible ebook series by Yvon Hintz: HalfHorse:
Stay tuned!
Kurt Richardson
Friday, October 14, 2011
Progress with the Ball
Kurt the very tired centaur who is taking the PSAT tomorrow.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
A Tribute to Patrick
Patrick's Plan by Half Movie Project
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
First Facts and a couple pictures

- John Sanders
- Pat Fifelski (see him and me playing a concert here:
- Kurt Richardson! (I'm the one who looks all excited for no good reason.)
- Jared Viitala (Producer) (The green pants are going to be keyed out in post-production, but they really symbolize the project.)
- Josh Sanders
- Jack Sanders (Really smart guy playing a really stupid guy.)
- Marie Martelli
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Half Motion Picture Project
So instead of ranting and raving about, "This is the first post of the production blog!" (Really it is just chance that this was the first post to some extent) I'll tell you what this project is all about. Half is a motion picture about mythical creatures in a northern Michigan town. The plot is really quite fascinating, but I can't say much right now. I'll be uploading a production picture or two in a couple of days. Stay tuned for a post from me or someone else on the epic team for a not as epic film.